
Cultural Collaborative Jamaica (CCJ)

CCJ is a non-profit 501© (3) organization created to provide cultural events and various services to the South East Queens community.  To defray the cost of operating, CCJ relies heavily on contributions from public and private sources.  We are seeking to engage your support whether it is through a financial contributions, In-Kind contribution or Volunteerism, a donation of your skills and/or time.Every contribution made to CCJ matters.  Without the thoughtful donations of our donors we would not be able to attain staff, professional consultants, office equipment and supplies.  A simple contribution assists in making possible the development of many community activities, workshops, cultural events, publications and other media that tie the interests of the community.  Together we can work to bring awareness of local arts, cultural and economic development to the South East Queens Community and Tourists who visit.

Contributions to CCJ

Financial contributions submitted to Cultural Collaborative are used to defray the cost of production and support of various projects conducted in support of community based events.  The easiest way to contribute to these initiatives of Cultural collaborative is to through a financial commitment.

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Donating in-Kind Items

Customizable T-shirts, Baseball Cap’s, Copiers, Filing Cabinets and/or Sound Equipment in working condition are types of In-kind donations accepted by CCJ these are non-financial forms of contributions. Products and/or services that are provided are eligible for a tax deduction and more importantly assists CCJ in meeting objectives.Business or individuals interested in donating in-service items Products and Services should contact Tyra Emerson at 718-526-8700.

Volunteering CCJ Wants You!

Throughout the year CCJ needs help. If you are interested in working with CCJ on its many projects in any capacity Contact Us! Some example positions are as follows:

  • Office Worker – Teen Coordinator
  • JAMS Festival Helper
  • Arts in the Parks Helper
  • Walking Tour Guides

Cultural Collaborative Jamaica

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